
The Rocking Horse Preschool is a nonprofit education program owned and operated by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd as part of its outreach to the community. It is under the direction of the Rocking Horse Preschool Board, which is responsible to the Church’s Council.

The Rocking Horse Preschool is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and follows its guidelines. The license is reviewed and renewed annually. Our ratio of teacher and teacher’s aide to the number of children will not exceed 2:16 for 4 year olds and 2:14 for 3 year olds and is far below Pennsylvania requirements. Rocking Horse Preschool admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin.

Our school is Christian-oriented but not denominational structured. We stress the elements of Christian faith.


We Follow the Hempfield School District Calendar.  Our School Calendar is viewable from the Calendar.

Here are some safe and child-friendly websites for learning and resources for children aged Pre-K through 5th grade. Universal Kids (Sprout) Disney Junior PBS Kids